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Mouse footprints in the snow, a chain of

Maisie Tomlinson

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I'm a sociologist in human animal relations, currently Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Manchester. This website is a record of research activities arising from my ESRC (SeNSS) postdoctoral fellowship at Goldsmiths, University of London, entitled Unknowing Animals: Critical Anthropomorphism in theory, method and practice. The purpose of this Fellowship was to explore, through publications, a one-act play, and a three-day workshop in multi-species ethnography,  the sociological significance of emerging forms of professional, "critically anthropomorphic" expertise, based on my doctoral research in sites of human-animal research and interaction.

 Critical anthropomorphism is an approach which permits qualitative, 'common-sense' interpretations of animals, whilst placing critical checks on those interpretations through certain techniques. This is an increasingly popular methodological idea in sociology (eg Irvine, 2004). However, in a unique contribution to the field, the products of this Fellowship explored the theoretical and methodological tensions inherent in critical anthropomorphism's actual practice.

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